Hey There
If you are reading this then you have probably stumbled onto my Minecraft blog MineHOW, well in that case hello. This blog is all about Minecraft and is aimed at turning you (the basic Steve) into Dream. 

My name is Qwelksy aka Louis and I am an avid gamer who spends most of his time on the Xbox even though I should be doing school work but I mean that it is a massive bore, isn't it? But let's think on the positive side, if I focused on my school work too much then I will not be able to make the amazing content you are currently reading. 

Minecraft and Me
I first came into contact with the game called Minecraft in 2013 maybe 2014 when I was about 8 years old. I remember the first time, I switched on the Playstation 3 and loaded up the game and then I went into the tutorial world and completed the tutorial. Just remembering that moment brings back so much nostalgia and also shows how little I have changed because I am still a massive noob. I also remember I was only allowed to play on the weekends for a couple of hours and now I play at least a couple hours a DAY! When did you guys start to play Minecraft? Feel free to comment below :) 

My Mighty Plan
I aim to upload at least one blog a week but preferably two and then that way the blog upload schedule should match up with the YouTube schedule. If this sounds interesting then sign up for the newsletter that should alert you when a new blog drops and if it doesn't sound interesting to you then you don't have to, so it is a win win situation. 

Piece out from, Qwelksy aka Louis

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